King Sago

  • Common name(s): King Sago Cycad, King Sago
  • Scientific Name: Cycas revoluta
  • Family: CYCADACEAE
  • Origin: Japan
  • Description: Medium sized cycad with single to multitrunks. May form succer plants on the side of the trunks which later form stems on the side. Large, multitrunked cycad plants are extremely old and seldom seen. Leaves are feather like but stiff. The spread out to form a crown at the top of the trunk. Leaves feel leather like in texture. Each cycad with be either female or male plants. Male plants forming pollen material and female forming large cluster of reddish-orange seeds.
  • Environment: This cycad is a very hardy plant best grown in rich, organic soils. Will grow in well drained, mixed soil. Best in full sun and with open space for good air flow. Grows in temperate to tropical conditions and survives short freezes.
  • Additional Information: This species was described in 1782 and became one of the most commonly plants cycads throughout the world. This type of cycad is ideal for any garden as a focal planting or specimen plant. Hardy, tolerant of variety of soils. Give it plenty of space. Easily used in container gardening for patio or pool area. Prized in bonsai plantings. Tolerates moderate heavy frosts and specimens best to place in full sun. Water during dry periods, allow leaves to dry during day to reduce potential of scale or fungus. Mulch a few inches away from base of trunk to prevent soil from getting too hot. Pruning: Sanitize all clippers with Lysol to reduce contamination of fungus or bacteria. All leaves go through a growth cycle: green, yellow and brown. Yellow leaves may be due to nutrient deficiency or natural aging process. So how do you know. You don’t. But you can set up a regular fertilizer schedule twice a year to help improve health of the plant. Sprinkle Palm/Cycad fertilizer with slow release and minor elements. Spring and late fall. Even the yellow leaves have food nutrients which are later transported to green leaves. If all yellow leaves are removed this may stunt next season growth. It is best to only remove the brown, lower leaves.
  • Location: C7
  • Sponsored by Scott Boggs