Senegal Date
- Common name(s): Senegal Date Palm, African Wild Date Palm
- Scientific Name: Phoenix reclinata
- Origin: Tropical Africa
- Description: Hardy, multi-trunk palm with strong, raised base. Leaf fronds may grow to 10 feet, with leaflets looking like a very long feather. The lower stem of the palm will have multiple, sharp spines. Be careful and protect eyes and face when working around this palm. Trunk is slightly brown with crisscross fibers. Trunks may be up to 30 feet.
- Environment: Grows best in full to filtered sun. Plants adapt to moist, sandy soil to rich, organic soils that are well drained. In it natural habitat this palm is found to grow in wetlands, along stream and rivers. It is a good clumping palm in dry, xeric garden soils. Hardy from Central to South Florida. Flowers attract variety of insects, birds and with the fruit attracting small mammals and birds. With animals using this as a food source, this is a way in which a non native palm is dispersed in Florida wetlands and swamps.
- Additional Information: This palm is on the 2023 FISC List of Invasive Plant Species list. It is now considered Invasive in South Florida. Over the past 40 years, with the gradual changes in warmer winter temperatures in Florida, scientists have found that this palm can become more naturalized in moist, wet wilderness areas. Though we can still buy this elegant palm, it is of a concern.
- Location: D6