
  • Common name(s): Caladium, Angel Wings
  • Scientific Name: Caladium sp.
  • Family: ARACEAE
  • Origin: South America
  • Description: Herbaceous, soft tissue stems and heart shaped leaves. Grows from underground bulb. Variable colors and some with frilly leaves. When planted in light shade and rich soil they produce a wonderful tropical look to any garden.
  • Environment: For outdoors, bulbs should be planted when the night temperature is 65 degrees or above. Ideal conditions are partial shade to light morning sun. The soil should be light in texture and well drained. Leaf litter best mulch to reduce loss of water in soil. Peat moss can be added to soil to improve water holding in soil if needed.
    You will find them along garden trails from the front entry towards the house and in east gardens. We do not have regular irrigation system and water when plants are put in ground to get established. Our Caladiums appear when the seasonal rains pickup and last into summer.
  • Additional Information: There are over 20 species of caladiums. Caladium bicolor is the most popular species that hybridizers use to bring out all sorts of colors and patterns we enjoy today. All parts of the plant are poisonous. Great door entry planting.

    List of cultivars at the garden:
    Caladium ‘Candidum’
    Caladium ‘Candidum Junior’
    Caladium ‘Carolyn Wharton’
    Caladium ‘Fannie Munson’
    Caladium ‘Florida Blizzard’
    Caladium ‘Florida Moonlight’
    Caladium ‘Florida Red Ruffle’
    Caladium ‘John Peed’
    Caladium ‘Mrs. Arno Nehrling’
    Caladium ‘Postman Joyner’
    Caladium ‘Rosebud’
    Caladium ‘Poison Dart Frog’
    Caladium ‘Red Bellied Tree Frog’
    Caladium ‘Tie-Dye Tree Frog’

    Growing Caladiums:
    For outdoor planting: bulbs should be planted when the night temperature are 65 degrees or above and the soil is warm to the touch. Grade #1 bulbs should be planted two (2) inches deep and about six (6) inchyes apart. Grade #2 bulbs should be spaced 2 – 3 inches apart. Ideal conditions are partial shade and partial sun. They will grow in full sun however they may need more water. The soil should be light and well drained. Peat moss can be added for better results. These plants require little water at first to prevent deterioration. Then water freely after the first leaves appear.

    For indoor planting: use three (3) bulbs in a 6-inch pot. Plant bulbs 2 inches below the surface using light gardening soil Water sparingly until the first leaves appear.

    DO NOT soak bulbs for any length of time before or after planting.

    They may also be used as fresh cut flowers. We recommend cutting the leaves at least 3 – 6 hours prior to using them. Cut them off near the stem and immediately set stems in water. They will go though a wilt stage in the first 24 hours; however, they will perk up. They should last in an arrangement for 2-3 weeks. To store your bulbs from year to year, we suggest digging them up after your first cool spell. Allow them to cure for 7 – 10 days before storing. Store them in something ventilated such as an old pair of panty hose or an onion sack. Keep them above 65 degrees until time for planting.
  • Location: Scattered thoughout the Garden
  • Donated by Van Donnan: Caladium 'Poison Dart Frog', Caladium 'Red Bellied Tree Frog', Caladium 'Tie-Dye Tree Frog'