Night-Blooming Jasmine

  • Common name(s): Night-Blooming Jasmine
  • Scientific Name: Cestrum nocturnum
  • Family: SOLANACEAE
  • Origin: Indies, naturalized in South Asia
  • Description: Bushy evergreen shrub adorned with arching branches lined with gross, pointed, dark green leaves. Releases a sweet, musky perfume. Grows fast, up to 8 – 10 feet tall and 4 – 6 feet wide. Planted as an ornamental in tropical regions. The slender arching branches are clad in elliptic to oblong flowers which open at night.
  • Environment: Full sun to part shade. Organic, fertile, well-drained soils. Water regularly. Provide a sheltered location to protect from harsh sun. Sensitive to temperature extremes. Blooms in the summer. Give plenty of space. Prune yearly to create bushier plant. Pollinated by bats, moths and other night flying insects. Birds eat the berries.
  • Additional Information: Prized for its heady fragrance. The plant and especially the berries are poisonous to humans and other mammals.
  • Location: D8
  • Sponsored by Austin Jones