Colville Glory Tree
- Common name(s): Colville Glory Tree
- Scientific Name: Colvillea racemosa
- Family: FABACEAE
- Origin: Western coast of Madagascar
- Description: Large, spreading tree with fern like leaves. Branches gently hanging with masses of bright orange-red flowers and yellow stamens. Grows 30 – 40 feet. Give it plenty of space. Seeds round. In winter months it may drop the leaves and small branches. Plants will have spines. Grows upright with tall main trunk. All parts of this plant may be poisonous if ingested.
- Environment: Best in full sun, well drained soil with rich surface of leaf litter. Once established, hardy and drought tolerant. Does well with regular summer rains. Requires warm, humid conditions to flower. Fast growing with up to 4 feet yearly growth. Give it plenty of space to grow. Grows easily in St. Petersburg and Homestead, South Florida area. Used as focal plant in open landscape spaces. Hardy to 25° – 30°F. Attracts wide variety of bees, insects, butterflies and birds.
- Additional Information: Today in Madagascar it is listed as near “Threatened” on the IUC red list. International Union of Conservation of Nature Red list of Threatened Species. This plant was discovered in 1834 by botanist Wenceslas Bojer and officially described by William Hooker. It was named after Sir Charles Colvelle of Scotland who served with Wellington in the Napoleonic Wars. It is related to Royal Poinciana (Delonix regia).
- Location: D11
- Donated by Leu Botanical Garden and planted in 2021