Pink Trumpet Tree

  • Common name(s): Pink Trumpet Tree
  • Scientific Name: Handroanthusi impetiginosus
  • Origin: Northern Mexico to northern Argentina
  • Description: A small to medium sized semi-evergreen tree with a narrowed, gray, fissured trunk and leaves divided into as many as seven leaflets radiating outward. Flowers are trumpet-shaped and have a white throat with yellow stripes and bloom in large clusters in the spring. Grows 20-40 feet in height. Develops from a small pyramid shape to a rounder form. The leaves are dark olive green, palmately compound, and oppositely arranged. The bark is smooth, hardened, and tough with random patterning. Branches are thin yet strong. After flowering, the trees produce 3-12 inch-long, brown, bean-like fruit pods with seeds.
  • Environment: Thrives in full sun and slightly acidic loam soil that can drain with regular watering. It grows slowly at a rate of 12-24 inches per year. Flowering occurs in the summer and the tree sheds its leaves in the spring. The tree is somewhat tolerant to salts in the soil and is highly drought-tolerant. The flowers attract hummingbirds. There are no serious pests or diseases.
  • Additional Information: The bark of the tree has been traditionally used for a variety of herbal medicinal uses. The leaves and flowers of the tree are primarily made into teas and drinks and the tree’s timber, lapacho, is valued for its durability and luster. It is the national tree of Paraguay.
  • Location: F9
  • Sponsored by Girl Scout Troop #237