Chickasaw Plum
- Common name(s): Chickasaw Plum, Cherokee Plum, Florida Sand Plum, Sandhill Plum, Sand Plum
- Scientific Name: Prunus angustifolia
- Family: ROSACEAE
- Origin: Native to Florida
- Description: Multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub or small tree with droopy branches. Grows up to 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide. Smooth, red bark which becomes scaly and shallowly furrowed with age. Flowers are small, 5-petaled, white, and grow in clumps. Fruit is red and ripens to yellow.
- Environment: Thrives in full sun to partial shade with dry soil moisture and grows at moderate pace. Requires low, medium water use and has high drought tolerance. Blooms in March and pruning is required for strong structure. Insect problems include aphids, scale, borers, and tent caterpillars. Berries are popular with wildlife
- Additional Information: Grows plums that can be eaten fresh or used for jelly.
- Location: E13, F9
- Sponsored by Epcot Food & Beverage Team 2015 and Lake and Hills Garden Club – Oleander Circle