Vendor Agreement & Contract

Spaces are approximately 10 feet x 10 feet. The cost is $50 plus a donation of an item with a minimum value of $50 for our raffle or auction. Bring your raffle item that day.

Please completed the following sign-up form. You may pay online or mail us a check by selecting your payment method below. All payments must be received by March 14, 2025 in order for us to produce signs and other promotional materials.


  • Section A. Grant of Space
    • Upon acceptance of the signed contract and receipt of payment, Nehrling Gardens will grant Vendor the right to use a designated booth (the “Space”) at the Nehrling Gardens Festival named below (the “Event”) on date selected below, at Nehrling Gardens, 2267 Hempel Avenue, Gotha, FL 34734.
  • Section B. Laws and Permits
    • Vendor must comply with all relevant local, state and federal laws.
    • Vendor is responsible for obtaining and paying for any and all state business licenses, permits, and taxes that are required for its operation, including state sales tax.
    • If selling food Vendor must provide a copy of a valid Certificate of Liability Insurance naming Nehrling Gardens, P.O. Box 884, 2267 Hempel Avenue, Gotha, FL 34734 as an additional insured in order to participate in the Event.
  • Section C. Use of Space; Vendor Conduct
    • Vendor use of the Space is non-transferable. Vendors must staff their exhibits during the entire event from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Vendor set-up time starts at 7:00 a.m. Your official drop-off time will be assigned to you prior to the Event. Tent & table set up is available Friday 4:00 – 7:00 PM; all items left overnight at owner’s risk. Breakdown is 1:00 p.m. Saturday.
    • Nehrling Gardens offers no guarantees or warranties of any kind. The Event occurs rain or shine. No refunds will be given.
    • The Space is provided as-is. Vendors are required to provide their own equipment, tents and tables. No power sources and/or water will be provided by Nehrling Gardens. No generator(s) is allowed.
    • Vendors must weigh down tents with sand bags or water jugs and keep its merchandise within the allotted boundaries of the Space.
    • Nehrling Gardens will provide all entertainment, music and announcements via public address system. Vendors may not bring additional music or entertainment unless specifically approved by Nehrling Gardens.
    • Vendor must be set up and ready for operation by 9:00 a.m. on Saturday (the official opening time of Event) and must vacate the grounds by two hours after the official closing time of 1:00 p.m. of the Event. Vendor may not vacate the Event prior to the official closing time without the express permission of Nehrling Gardens. All tables must be covered with tablecloths provided by Vendor.
    • Vendor must remove all products and equipment within two (2) hours following the Event. It is at the Vendor’s own risk to leave any equipment or product belonging to the Vendor on the Nehrling Gardens Event site. Nehrling Gardens will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to said product or equipment. There will be no security guards overnight.
    • No vehicles are permitted at the Event site after 9:00 a.m. or before 1:00 p.m.; during the Event merchandise must be transported by hand or on a small cart. Each vendor is responsible for his/her parking arrangements unless notified otherwise.
    • Vendors must remove their own trash from the Space and dispose of trash
    • Vendor must have signage clearly identifying vendor name. Food Vendors must have signage clearly listing food offerings and prices.
  • Section E. Indemnification and Release
    • Vendor will release and will hold harmless Nehrling Gardens from any and all claims arising from any injuries, losses or damages (whether to person or property) caused by Vendor, Vendor’s merchandise, or Vendor’s participation in the Nehrling Gardens Festival. Vendor agrees to indemnify Nehrling Gardens from any and all expense arising because of any such claim.

Vendors must provide their company logo or business card via Email in PNG format if they elect to Sponsor the Event. The Garden is equipped with Wi-Fi.

QUESTIONS??? Contact us at 407.445.9977 or email

Section F. Advertising